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Public Safety:

This is paramount to ensure the quality of life we have come to expect for our kids, our families and our community. I stand strong with our local Police Officers, Firefighters and all our fine First Responders.

Opposing High Density Development:

I will absolutely fight against any future High Density Development. I already have and I will continue to do so! Our residents have said "ENOUGH!" I couldn't say it any better.

Protecting Open Space:

I love our small but incredible City Owned Open Space. I will always fight to do everything possible to maintain and protect what is zoned and marked as our remaining precious open space.


I will oppose any effort to use Huntington Beach taxpayer funds to build temporary structures in our city. Better solutions exist beginning with leveraging the millions of dollars already allocated to the County government for this purpose.

Business Friendly Attitude:

I will work with our current council majority to expand our HB is open for business attitude. New businesses mean more local employment and valuable new tax revenues. As we say in business; Revenue Cures All.


Our residents are the city's customers. Our tax dollars need to be spent wisely but more importantly we must get what we pay for. Quality work at the best possible bid pricing. Holding departments accountable (just like in business) must be applied to all city departments and vendors. I have done it for decades in business I will do it here at City Hall as well.

Kennedy For Huntington Beach City Council
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