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I strongly endorse Don Kennedy for Huntington Beach City Council. Having worked with Don for almost 30 years, I can personally attest to his strong work ethic, impressive leadership characteristics and absolute integrity.
DK exhibits a remarkable balance of attention to detail with practicality. He is able to deal with a variety of people and personalities, yet never lose his cool, and still get the job done.
Don Kennedy serving on City Council will be an asset to the citizens of Huntington Beach.

Jeff Frieden: Principal: F&F Capital Group

Co-Founder, Ten-X &

With proud enthusiasm, I endorse Don Kennedy for City Council of Huntington Beach. I have known Don for almost 30 years. During this time, I acquired respect and admiration for his generosity, intelligence and dedication to good causes.

Don has a big heart for family, for mentoring, and for shaping our youth into tomorrow leaders.  In addition, he is not afraid to back up his beliefs with a commitment of his time and effort!
If the citizens of Huntington Beach want a leader who exemplifies honesty, fairness, thoughtfulness and accountability.  Then join me in supporting Don Kennedy for City Council

Rob Friedman: Principal F&F Capital Group

Co-Founder, Ten-X &

Big Brother Big Sister Board Member

I'm honored to endorse Don Kennedy for City Council of Huntington Beach. I have had the pleasure of working with DK starting in 2004 when I retired from the United States Marine Corps.  Over the next 14 years, we worked together and have become great friends.  During this time, I acquired respect and admiration for his strong work ethic, selflessness, and overall drive to accomplish any mission assigned.  We worked closely for many years and collaborated on many projects and I've been impressed by his can-do attitude.  The hallmark of Don's character is his honesty. It extends from those areas where it is easily seen in relationships and business transactions, as well as in integrity of thought.  He approaches any analytical task with an exacting eye that is scientific, thorough, and meticulous.  Don is one of the most pleasant persons you'll ever meet or work with. He is forthright, but neither intimidates nor intrudes. He is genuinely friendly as well as honest. You will also be impressed with his authentic and professional manner.  Don Kennedy has my unequivocal professional endorsement and my deep personal respect.

Walter Skrzynski: Major USMC Retired and Executive Vice President

I have had the pleasure of knowing Don Kennedy and his wonderful family for almost 20 years.  Through youth sports, kids schools and social settings, I have come to know the man I can genuinely call a friend.  Don is a wonderful father, devoted husband, talented entrepreneur and a great friend to the city we love, Huntington Beach.
I highly recommend and endorse Don as a candidate for City Council, understanding how his strong character, work ethic, business skills, compassion, fairness, and obvious love for this city, would be a welcome addition to our local leadership.

Christopher Gibbons -  Former Huntington Beach Resident

I was fortunate to get to know Don by working as a college counselor for his wonderful son, Cole. Applying to college can be a stressful experience, especially when parents get anxious, but Don was positive and supportive throughout the entire application process, and Cole was one of the most respectful and humble students I have worked with. His son reflects his father's values, which speaks well of Don as a man and as a father. Through all of my communications with Don, I observed that he is hardworking and honest, treasures his family and feels grateful for having lived in Huntington Beach such a long time. Don is truly giving - of his time, of his energy, of his heart and soul. Huntington Beach City Council would be fortunate to enlist Don Kennedy as one of its members. His tireless optimism will offer a boost to the council, and benefit the great city of Huntington Beach!
J.T. Geehr, President Dynamic College Coaching

I wish to endorse Don Kennedy for his campaign run for a Huntington Beach Council Member Seat.
I have known Don Kennedy for  35+ years and have always admired the pride & dedication he applies to his work & to his loving family.  His honesty, ambition and overall care and courtesy towards people has always made him a stand-out in every endeavor he undertakes.
He has my vote of confidence!
Cheers -
Bruce Buffer
President/CEO - Buffer Enterprises, Inc. 

Co-Founder -

Voice of the UFC Octagon

I would like to endorse Don Kennedy for HB City Council.
Don has the ability to bring people together with an honest and reputable mentality.  Don is a solid communicator with a strong desire to make the City of Huntington Beach a great place to live and raise a family.
Let's vote for a trustworthy City Council Member that is for our city!

David B - HB Resident

I have known Don for the better part of 25 years. We started out as business acquaintances, but worked ourselves into a friendship through our mutual love of music and songwriting, and ALL things that include family. On the business side, I found Don to be an admired and intelligent leader who communicated his ideas professionally, and exuded enthusiasm when tackling problems and issues. In a world of lawyers and contracts, Don is a hand-shake and "my word is good" kind of guy. That's both unique and refreshing in these times. On the friendship side, although he knows I am a superior songwriter (wink wink), his enthusiasm about music overall is exciting and motivating.  In general, one cannot help but get charged and pumped up when discussing just about anything with him.
I was quite excited to learn about his interest in expanding his reach into our community.  I fully support Don in his effort to be a leader in Huntington Beach. He will work very hard to LISTEN to his constituents and develop ideas for positive change and improvement.
Let's Go Don!

Bill Berndt - Huntington Beach Resident
Founder & Former Chairman, Westamerica Communications

I am happy to endorse Don Kennedy for HB City Council. I have known Don on a professional and personal basis for many years, and I can say without question that he would be an excellent addition to any city counsel.  In my professional interactions with Don, he has always demonstrated honesty, integrity and insight. On a personal level, Don is the kind of guy who treats everyone like his best friend, never failing to show others respect, kindness and generosity.  Should he be elected to serve on the Huntington Beach City Counsel, I am confident he would strive to serve the best interests of his constituents.

Kai MacDonald, Esq.

Chief Legal Officer/General Counsel





Kennedy For Huntington Beach City Council
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