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Hello HB,

My family arrived here in 1962 and I have always had a genuine love for Huntington Beach.
I attended the local public schools Dwyer and HBHS (Class of 79) let's go Oilers. I am raising my family here as well. All 3 of my kids have attended our public schools and are thriving.

I am a Husband (29 years), Father (x3), homeowner and animal lover. My favorite charity is,Big Brothers, Big Sisters and I am a Man of Faith. I have decades of Executive Leadership in business and spent over a decade volunteering as a Coach in youth sports. 

Growing up in Huntington Beach I immediately fell in love with our city. Clean air, beautiful beaches, uncrowded wide open spaces, (population ~25,000 in 1962) it's always been a place that I knew I wanted to live and raise my family.

Things are changing here in HB, some for the better and some things that need changing. It's these reasons that I want to represent the citizens of Huntington Beach as a Council Member. I will use my decades of executive leadership in business and my genuine love of HB to strategically help guide our city.

Currently I am serving as the Vice Chairman of the Huntington Beach Planning Commission, (Appointed by Councilman Pat Burns) and I hope to earn your respect and vote for Huntington Beach City Council 2024. I am accessible by phone (714-388-4806), email ( and in person.

I look forward to meeting as many residents as possible.


Don Kennedy

Kennedy For Huntington Beach City Council
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